Woman washing her face with face wash. Woman washing her face with face wash.

Could You Be Moisturizing Your Skin Too Much?

We can’t tout the virtues of moisturizer enough—every skin type needs hydration, and the best way to achieve it is with a moisturizer. However, sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. So the question is, can you moisturize your skin too much? And if so, what effect does too much moisturizer have on your skin? We’ll answer these questions and more below.

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Is It Possible to Use Too Much Moisturizer?

The short answer is yes, you can use too much. Facial moisturizers are designed to be concentrated, and applying more moisturizer doesn’t guarantee better skin results—sometimes it can even have the opposite effect. When you apply moisturizer, it should absorb fully and shouldn’t take a very long time to seep into your skin. Also, your product should last you a few months, not a few weeks—using up product quickly indicates you might be using too much. Some signs that you may be over-moisturizing are clogged pores, blackheads, bumpy skin, and excess oil.

What Are the Effects of Moisturizing Too Much?

It’s very important to moisturize your skin, but applying too much moisturizer can have a negative effect. If you use too much moisturizer over time, it can make your skin lazy, which can encourage your skin to produce less moisture on its own. Over-moisturizing signals to your skin that it has enough water, lipids, and protein (skin’s building blocks) and that it can slow down the production of these important skin nutrients. This can turn into a vicious cycle in which your skin appears dry because it’s no longer producing necessary nutrients, which causes you to moisturize more.

How to Avoid Moisturizing Too Much?

A good way to use a moisturizer sparingly and effectively is to make sure that your skin isn’t covered in dead skin cells. Dead skin makes it harder for your skin to absorb moisturize so sloughing off this layer is crucial. Exfoliate with a gentle product at least once a week so that you remove dead cells on the surface of your skin. Then, use a small amount of the best moisturizer for your skin type and make sure it absorbs fully. Avoid overstimulating and suffocating your skin with too much product. A little bit of the right product can go a long way on the path to healthy skin!

woman exfoliating skin