What is the Hair Shade Selector?

The Garnier Virtual Shade Selector is an online quiz that helps you to find your perfect Garnier hair color. Answer a series of questions related to your current hair color, your hair’s condition, and what you wish to change about your hair, and receive personalized Garnier hair color suggestions.

Shop Garnier Hair Color by Shade

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Shade Selector Quiz

Shade Selector Quiz

Take our quiz to discover the perfect Garnier hair shades for you!

Virtually Try On Hair Shades Instead

Trying a new hair shade has never been easier. Have fun changing your hair color with our virtual try-on tool!


Virtually Try On Hair Shades Instead
Hair Shade Selector FAQ
  • No need to download an app. Simply access the Garnier Shade Selector from your phone or desktop and start the quiz right away.
  • It takes just one minute to find your perfect shade with the Garnier Shade Selector quiz.

Garnier Commits to Greener Beauty