Women with oily skin Women with oily skin

Why Do I Have Oily Skin All of a Sudden?

It’s a common misconception that only teens and young adults get oily skin and breakouts. But did you know that the causes of oily skin can crop up at any age? The best way to deal with overproductive pores is knowing the basic reasons for oily skin and which oil-busting products to have in your beauty arsenal.

Potential Causes of Oily Skin

Have you been waking up thinking, “Why is my skin so greasy?” or noticed makeup is more prone to “melting off” after a few hours? Maybe you need blotting papers during the day to soak up excess oil and mattify your face. Culprits range from your age and your smartphone to seasonal conditions and your changing skin type. And here’s a quick rundown of five other reasons why you have oily skin sometimes and your face might feel unbalanced.
Oily skin products - Garnier

The Best Products for Oily Skin

The smartest solutions for oily skin are gentle yet effective. Target your specific oily skin issue with a cleanser formulated for your skin type. Charcoal cleansers like Blackhead Eliminating Scrub are a great option. Garnier also has a wide range of micellar waters that cleanse and protect. Take our quiz to find the right one for you.

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Micellar Water Finder Quiz

Discover the perfect Garnier micellar cleansing water for you.

Even oily skin needs hydration. Opt for oil-free moisturizers, such as gels or non-comedogenic creams, to avoid clogging pores. To combat shine throughout the day, keep blotting papers handy for quick touch-ups.

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