Should you cleanse or scrub first - Garnier SkinActive Should you cleanse or scrub first - Garnier SkinActive

¿Deberías limpiar o exfoliar primero?

Si eres de limpiar y exfoliar tu piel con frecuencia, te felicitamos. La limpieza y la exfoliación son fundamentales en una buena rutina de cuidado de la piel y pueden producir resultados embellecedores. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por el orden correcto de aplicación de limpiadores y exfoliantes? ¿O si deberías limpiar o exfoliar primero? Si la respuesta es sí, vamos a exponer ahora las ventajas y las desventajas para que puedas decidir cómo limpiar tu piel en consecuencia.

Cleanser Before Scrub

By cleansing first you help removing dirt, sweat and make up off skin’s surface. You are then working with a clean base to then exfoliate away dead skin cells that can pile up on skin’s surface. Exfoliating can soften your skin and allows a fresh layer of skin cells to emerge as dead skin cells are washed away. Your skin will be prepped for moisturizer, oil or serum after this.

Exfoliation Before Cleansing

This method is little bit more unusual but can also reap a lot of skin benefits. Scrubbing first can remove residue, dead skin cells and dirt from the surface of your skin. Following this step with cleanser helps wash away any dead skin cells or particles on skin’s surface that were lifted by the scrub. This also provides a thorough clean and a very smooth, receptive surface for your skin to receive moisturizer.

Our Verdict?

Try both out and see what you like better. There’s no hard and fast rule to whether you should scrub or cleanse first. We recommend trying out both orders and then going with what suits your skin best. Either way as long as you are cleansing and exfoliating according to your skin type, you can achieve a deep clean for your most beautiful skin.

Alternatively if you think exfoliating and cleansing are too complicated, you can merge your exfoliation and cleansing into one step. Garnier SkinActive’s Clean+ Blackhead Eliminating Scrub is a gentle exfoliating cleanser. It softens skin and unclogs pores. The formula infused with charcoal, can draw out blackhead-causing dirt, oil and impurities like a magnet.