3 women at the beach 3 women at the beach

Operation Hot Girl Summer: Actually Achievable Tips

By Gretchen the Garnier Intern

Is it just me, or does Hot Girl Summer always catch me slacking… I’m that girl buying bathing suits in January but somehow still unprepared every time summer rolls around. The groupchat is in a frenzy trying to do a fitness challenge in 2 weeks, so I decided to come up with some *actually helpful* tips to prepare for summer. It’s never too late to enter your hottie era.

Start your day tech-free 

It’s easy to get sucked into your social feed, but instead of doomscrolling, go analog! Listen to the birds sing. Read a book. Cook yourself breakfast. Learn the art of gua sha. Sing your favorite song while you put on sunscreen. Ignore the spam callers 15 times in a row. Manifest your Hot Girl Summer.

Hydrate your hair 

You hydrate your body, you hydrate your skin, why not hydrate your hair? As much as you love the summer sun, your hair might not. The Honey Treasures Repairing Mask is my fav product to bring back some love to my locks post-beach.

Treat yourself, take a nap 

Hot girls are well rested. I don’t make the rules! Taking a little cat nap during the day lets you recharge for whatever the night may bring. It’s also the perfect time to have a little skincare refresher. What a lovely coincidence!


Don’t be afraid to try new things, whether it be makeup, style, hair, or anything else your heart desires. Of course, you’re not going to be perfect at the floating liner on the first try. That’s why I’m strongly-but-gently-but-strongly recommending this Waterproof Micellar Cleansing Water that erases any evidence of a cat eye casualty. There are a couple different types too, like for oily skin or if you want extra glowy skin.

Say “Yes!” 

In short: do it for the plot. Go with your friend to that hot yoga class. Order something new off the menu. I’ve been wanting to dye my hair for months now. So I’m saying yes! I’m going red with Olia shade 6.60 – Light Intense Auburn so I always have a chic red accessory.
2 women smiling

Contrary to popular belief, Hot Girl Summer is not about magically getting into shape in 2 weeks. It’s about feeling confident in your own skin and owning it! These simple tips will help you up your self care to the next level, because you deserve the extra love bestie! Take care of yourself, soak up the sun, and enjoy the good vibes!