Garnier Hair Color Example Woman with Dark Brown Hair Color Garnier Hair Color Example Woman with Dark Brown Hair Color

Las reglas de oro de la coloración

El color de pelo perfecto puede iluminar tu tez y darle vida a cualquier look. Cuando tiñes tu cabello, es importante recordar que el color no levanta al color. El cabello previamente teñido no puede aclararse simplemente si aplicas un tono más claro. El color que se usó antes solo enturbiará el color que tienes ahora. Se puede oscurecer el cabello que ya tiene color, pero, si intentas que se vea como el color de la caja, tu color actual afectará al resultado. Si tienes el pelo teñido y quieres pasar a un tono más claro, lo mejor es que acudas a un profesional para que te aplique el tratamiento adecuado de aclarado. Para conseguir el resultado deseado de color, se deben aplicar las siguientes “reglas de oro”.

It's All About The Base

Going darker or lighter than your natural hair color offers an immediate update to your hair style. The first "Golden Rule" of color choice is to stay within two levels of your natural or base color. This applies to both lighter and darker shades. Hair color is divided into ten different levels. These levels are used to describe how dark or light your hair color is. Level 10 is lightest blond, level 9 is light blond, level 8 is medium blond, level 7 is dark blond, level 6 is light brown, level 5 is medium brown, level 4 is dark brown, level 3 is darkest brown, level 2 is black brown and level 1 is black. Identifying the level of your current hair color before you change it can help you determine what your end result will be.

Know Your Skin Tone

It might sound counterintuitive, but knowing your skin tone is the second "Golden Rule" of hair color. Your skin tone determines what colors are most flattering in clothing, jewelry and especially hair. You've probably heard people say, "I am a summer," or "I am a winter," when talking about the colors that make them feel their best. What they're really referring to is the tone of their skin. Skin tones come in two basic types: warm and cool. Ash and burgundy hair color tones are better suited for those with cool skin tones while gold, copper, mahogany and auburn hair colors compliment those with warm skin tones. To determine your skin tone, look at the skin on the inside of your wrist. Those with warm skin tones have veins with a slightly green tint. If your skin is a cool-tone your veins will be a blue-ish color. Warm-toned skin is more likely to tan, while cool-toned skin is more prone to burn. The tone of your skin can help you choose a color that gives both your hair and your skin a natural glow.

The Eyes Have It

It's been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. And when it comes to choosing the right hair color, the eyes are also the third "Golden Rule." Eye color, hair color and skin tone work together to create a look that is naturally you. Light skin with blue eyes tends to look great in hair that is blonde or lighter brown with blonde highlights. Medium skin with hazel eyes pairs well with darker blonde or copper tones. Also, medium skin with green eyes tends to look beautiful with red hair. Dark skin with brown eyes looks fabulous with deep brown or black with copper or brown highlights. Hair color that plays up your eye color creates the perfect palate for makeup, clothing and jewelry choices.

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