Garnier Hair Care Is frizzy curly and dry dull hair your problem Garnier Hair Care Is frizzy curly and dry dull hair your problem

Problemas del cuidado del cabello: cabello apagado y con frizz

A veces puede parecer que no existe una defensa adecuada contra el cabello con frizz, sobre todo cuando hace calor o hay mucha humedad en el ambiente. Para combatir el frizz hay que empezar por comprender por qué ocurre. El frizz ocurre cuando la cutícula o capa exterior del cabello se levanta, causando que tu cabello luzca seco y esponjado. Por otro lado, cuando la cutícula permanece en su posición, el cabello luce suave y brillante. La sequedad es la causa principal del frizz, ya que las cutículas se levantan para absorber humedad. (Por eso es tan común en el cabello rizado, que se distingue por su sequedad.) Y el cabello seco inevitablemente luce apagado. ¿La solución? Combatir ambos problemas.

How to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

The number one way to prevent frizzy hair is to hydrate your hair. If your hair has enough moisture, the cuticles don’t lift up—and, instead, stay flat, giving each strand of hair a smooth look and texture. To help keep your hair hydrated on a regular basis, apply a frizz-fighting product or leave-in hair treatment, like Fructis Sleek & Shine Anti-Frizz Serum. This extra step minimizes dry hair and creates hair shine all day.

If you get frequent blowouts, hair color treatments, or chemical processes, you may also have damaged hair (on top of just dry). That’s where an intensive, moisturizing hair mask, like Whole Blends Honey Treasures Repairing Hair Mask with Honey and Beeswax, is especially valuable. Used once a week, it can provide deep hair hydration and repair, while also protecting against future damage.

Also, avoid brushing your hair when it’s dry. Doing so lifts the cuticle, which gives hair its frizzy hair appearance. Your best bet is to detangle hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb when it’s still damp.

How to Fix Dull Hair

Even once your hair is healthy, it may still look dull and damaged. Shiny hair can bring out its color and beauty, which is why it’s worth incorporating hair shine-enhancing steps into your beauty routine. Work a small amount of Fructis Sleek & Shine Moroccan Sleek Hair Oil Treatment through damp or dry hair. It contains argan oil, which hair absorbs instantly for glossy, shiny hair without any greasy hair residue. With it, not only will your hair color look better, but your hair itself will feel softer, too.