Can fragrance affect your skin care routine - Garnier SkinActive Can fragrance affect your skin care routine - Garnier SkinActive

¿La fragancia puede afectar tu rutina de cuidado de la piel?

¿A quién no le gustan los productos con una fragancia agradable? Después de todo, el cuidado de la piel no se limita a las sensaciones táctiles. Las características que despiertan tus otros sentidos, como la fragancia, también entran en juego cuando eliges productos para el cuidado de la piel. La fragancia puede impactar la frecuencia de uso de un producto y nuestro disfrute del mismo. Las fragancias puede ser vigorizantes, calmantes y mucho más. Las fragancias tienen el poder de evocar recuerdos del pasado. Por más agradable que sea una fragancia, puede tener un afecto adverso en la piel. A continuación, descubre si debes tener cuidado con los productos formulados con fragancia.

Can Fragrance Affect Skin?

Fragrances are used in a multitude of products from lotions and cleansers to scrubs and masks. Some products are formulated with fragrance for sensorial reasons and others for therapeutic purposes.

For some people however, fragrance can have a negative impact on how their skin looks and feels. “Fragrance can be an irritant leading to redness, itchy skin and sometimes hives,” says Garnier consulting dermatologist Dr. Diane Madfes. “Not all fragrances cause irritation to the same degree. Dry skin is definitely more susceptible to reactions. If you are concerned, test a product on a small portion of your arm daily for one week. If you have no reaction, then you can probably use it on your face.”

You may also have an allergy that is causing the irritation. Per the FDA “Some individuals may be allergic or sensitive to certain ingredients in cosmetics, food, or other products, even if those ingredients are safe for most people. Some components of fragrance formulas may have a potential to cause allergic reactions or sensitivities for some people.”

Fragrance-Free Products

Fortunately, there are many fragrance-free products on the market if your skin is sensitive, dry, or doesn’t mesh well with fragrance. We recommend Garnier SkinActive Clean+ Makeup Removing Lotion Cleanser is an effective, fragrance-free cleanser that lifts makeup, dirt and sweat off your face to cleanse your face thoroughly and without causing irritation. Follow this with a fragrance-free lotion such as Garnier SkinActive Moisture Rescue Actively Hydrating Daily Lotion Fragrance-Free SPF15 which is hydrating and non-comedogenic. It can strengthen, smooth and moisturize your skin so that it can look its best.